The Marmas (vital points) are a very important part of Ayurvedic anatomy and surgery. A Marma point is defined as an anatomical site where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones and joints meet up. There are 107 Marma points throughout the body. Each point has it’s own intelligence and consciousness, which co-ordinate with the mind and body. This ancient form of treatment dating back to between 1500 — 1200 BC involves using the fingers to stimulate the Marma points thereby promoting physical and mental rehabilitation. As with Acupuncture, these points correspond to internal organs and systems of the body which react to manual stimulation.
There are total 107 Marma in the body. The points were mapped out in detail centuries ago in the Sushruta Samhita, a classic Ayurvedic text. Major marma points correspond to the seven chakras, or energy centers of the body, while minor points radiate out along the torso and limbs. The points cover both the front and back body, including 22 on the lower extremities, 22 on the arms, 12 on the chest and stomach, 14 on the back, and 37 on the head and neck. (The mind is considered the 108th marma.)
The human body, like a machine needs servicing in order to function normally. The Hindu healthcare system uses Marma massage as a routine part of their preventative medicine. A professional therapist isolates the Marma points and cleans them out by increasing the blood flow to the affected part of the neuro-muscular junction. They also aim to tone the surrounding muscles.
There are total 107 Marma in the body. The points were mapped out in detail centuries ago in the Sushruta Samhita, a classic Ayurvedic text. Major marma points correspond to the seven chakras, or energy centers of the body, while minor points radiate out along the torso and limbs. The points cover both the front and back body, including 22 on the lower extremities, 22 on the arms, 12 on the chest and stomach, 14 on the back, and 37 on the head and neck. (The mind is considered the 108th marma.)
The human body, like a machine needs servicing in order to function normally. The Hindu healthcare system uses Marma massage as a routine part of their preventative medicine. A professional therapist isolates the Marma points and cleans them out by increasing the blood flow to the affected part of the neuro-muscular junction. They also aim to tone the surrounding muscles.
- Through centuries of practice it has been observed that the following symptoms are alleviated through Marma massage:
- Nervousness & anxiety
- Light headedness
- Numbness or metallic taste in the mouth
- Tingling in the fingertips and toes
- Stress at work & home
- Lack of energy
- Weakness in general
- Muscular aches & pains including back and neck